

Gowrika Anoop
05 July 2024
AI Revolution: Beyond Human – Adapting to the Age of AI

The world as we know it is forever changing, and the human landscape will be shaped for better or for worse. The turn of the century is always the time for innovations and inventions. The break of the twentieth century is the dawn of a new intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (AI). This creation is one of a kind, one that will accelerate every other field and forever change the face of humanity.

The Influence of Technology

The modern world today is heavily influenced by technology and the innovations of mankind. It's not just humanity that's being influenced; even the plants and animals around us have been impacted by our creations. Yesterday's fiction is today's reality. In the past years, we have managed to imagine and reimagine the way of the world with technology. What was once considered a mere figment of imagination is now one of the most important parts of today's society. AI acts as a guide to every other field, and we believe that it will enhance the fields of medicine, finance, and education. Yet, the question remains whether AI will be a force of destruction or the giant on whose shoulders humanity will stand.

We must look at this question in a dialectical manner. AI has both destructive and creative qualities. The way it is used is at our discretion and solely depends on us. There have been many dystopian theories about robots and AI taking over mankind and of AI destroying the human race, all of which stem from the primordial fear of a new beginning. It is only human nature to fear the unknown and the new. It is part of our survival instinct, but overcoming this fear is what has enabled us to become such an advanced species. Therefore, we must explore this new entity.

AI and Global Issues

We often read stories or see movies about AI wiping the human race off the face of the earth when given the task of battling global issues like war, global warming, and environmental degradation. For this issue, experts in the field have suggested a simple policy: do not give AI the power to execute its plans. The power of execution must remain in human hands. Another issue we often hear about is the threat to jobs. The question "Are we no longer needed?" lingers in the minds of everyone on the planet as AI becomes more and more powerful. Students often worry that their education might become obsolete by the time they graduate, as AI might take over every field of employment. However, what we need to understand is that there will always be jobs and employment for people. The prospect of something new is always scary, and the innovation that makes our lives easier will always make a few jobs obsolete, but it will also create new areas of employment. When the automobile was invented, carriage drivers felt threatened, but in place of carriage drivers, a new job emerged: the cab driver. Just like the "carriage driver" became the "cab driver," the "software engineer" will become the "AI engineer."

AI will also be a great tool in the field of medicine as it will enhance our understanding of the human body. It will change the pace of research and the face of education. Education can become more personalized and suited to the individual.

In the end, we must understand that the debate about AI isn't so black and white. Numerous variables can change the outcome we have with AI. In today's world, living without a basic understanding of AI is nearly impossible, as humanity and AI are no longer separate entities but rather a symbiotic existence. We are in an era of change, and AI will be the symbol of this change. AI and humans will now have a coexistence that will be the start of a giant leap for science.